V BERLÍNĚ již tuto středu!

Zajímají vás nové technologie a postupy v kultuře? Máte „volných“ 22, 25 EURO? A peníze na dopravu? Hlaste se. Do poslední minuty nabitý program. Uveřejňujeme program a pozvánku v anglickém jazyce.

Srdečně Vás zveme na akci Creative Europe Innovation Day, která se bude konat ve středu 4. 9. 2019 (13 – 19h) v Berlíně.

Akce představí mezinárodní příklady využití inovativních technologií v médiích, umění a kultuře, z nichž některé byly podpořeny programem Kreativní Evropa. Dva hlavní bloky se budou věnovat tématům blockchainu a VR/AR v umění.

Akci pořádají Creative Europe Desk Berlin-Brandenburg a Creative Europe Desk Kultur s podporou Kanceláří Kreativní Evropa Dánsko, Nizozemí, Rakousko, Francie a ČR, Musicboard, KreativKultur Berlin a Cinemathon International.

Podrobný program v angličtině a pozvánku najdete níže.

Vstupné na akci je 22,25 EUR, registrovat se na ni můžete zde.


12.45h REGISTRATION & COFFEE Silent Green, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin-Wedding

13.30h – 13.40h WELCOME & INTRODUCTION

13.40h – 13.55h KEYNOTE: How to ignite European Moonshots in Culture and Creativity? Sten-Kristian SALUVEER, Head of Programming NEXT – Founder Storytek

13.55h – 14.00h Q & A

14.00h – 14.15h KEYNOTE: How Creative Europe will bridge Tech and Culture Barbara GESSLER, European Commission


14.20h – 14.30h INTRODUCTION: Why Blockchain enables new business models Erwin SCHMIDT, Cinemathon International, Berlin

14.30h – 14.40h USE CASE: Blockchain My Art- Transparency for cultural Events Maxime FAGET, CO-FOUNDER SeaNaps Festival, Leipzig

14.40h – 14.45h Q&A

14.55h – 15.05h PROJECT PITCH: Unchain Film Production for our Planet Sophokles TASIOULIS, CEO Icebreaker Nature Entertainment Studios, Berlin

15.05h – 15:15h USE CASE: Film Chain – the new way of accessing your money Maria TANJALA, CEO Big Couch, UK

15.15h – 15.20h Q&A

15.20h – 15.30h USE CASE: WARM – World Airplay Radio Monitor Jesper SKIBSBY, CEO WARM Music, DK

15.30h – 16.15h COFFEE BREAK (40 Min) ROUNDTABLES (20 Min): I: Erwin Schmidt, Maria Tanjala, Sophokles Tasioulis II: Sten-Kristian Saluveer, Jesper Skibsby, Maxime Faget


Berlin September 4, 13h – 19h Digital technologies like XR, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence are effectively disrupting how arts and culture are being created, distributed and perceived. New technologies hold the promise of making art and culture more accessible to audiences and making the share of revenue for rights holders and creators more transparent and reliable. It is also helping museums and galleries to increase their reach, making them more attractive to younger generations. In the past years the Creative Europe Programme has supported the creative industries in different ways, including the use of new technologies within creation, production and circulation of creative works.

Our CREATIVE EUROPE INNOVATION DAY will present international use cases for innovative technologies in Media, Arts and Culture supported by the Creative Europe Programme and beyond.

Project roundtables will provide the opportunity to discuss the various financing and distribution models as well as the technology behind them in more detail.

Invited international speakers are: Barbara Gessler (European Commission), Sten-Kristian Saluveer (NEXT@Festival de Cannes), Maxime Faget (SeaNaps Festival) Maria Tanjala (Big Couch), Jesper Skibsby (WARM), Robert van Hunsel (Ticketing Group) – and many more!

Interested in joining us?