Jiří Bubeníček se vrací do Čech

Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses Český Krumlov 2023

Jiří Bubeníček se po letech vrací do Čech a přináší s sebou novou vzdělávací příležitost pro mladé tanečníky. Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses, první ročník této akce, se uskuteční od 4. do 14. července v Českém Krumlově a bude zaměřen na studenty a profesionální tanečníky od 14 do 35 let.
Účastníci budou mít nejen možnost zlepšit své technické dovednosti, ale také tančit v choreografii Jiřího Bubeníčka během zahajovacího večera 32. Mezinárodního hudebního festivalu v Českém Krumlově. Tento večer bude hostit také Léonore Baulac, Étoile Opéra de Paris a Istvána Simona, světového hostujícího prvního sólistu.
Mezi pedagogy této masterclass budou patřit vedle Jiřího Bubeníčka, Léonore Baulac a Istvána Simona také  Courtney Richardson a Kryštof Šimek. Účastníci se mohou těšit na klasické tréninky, variace, tanec s partnerem, současný tanec, choreografickou dílnu, semináře a rozhovory.
Jiří Bubeníček je mezinárodně uznávaný tanečník a choreograf a jeho návrat do Čech přináší novou inspiraci pro místní studenty a tanečníky. “Tato masterclass je skvělou příležitostí pro mladé talenty, kteří chtějí rozvíjet své dovednosti pod vedením špičkových pedagogů a tancovat po boku renomovaných umělců,” říká zakladatel Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses, Jiří Bubeníček.
Pro účastníky Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses  je k dispozici levné ubytování a obědy. Pro zájemce bude zajištěn autobus, který je přepraví z Prahy až do Českého Krumlova.
“ Věřím, že tato příležitost pomůže rozvíjet talenty mladých tanečníků a přispěje k posílení taneční kultury v České republice,” dodává Jiří Bubeníček.
Registrace na Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses  je otevřena a je možné se přihlásit přes oficiální webovou stránku akce:
Informace o pedagozích a průběhu můžete sledovat i na našem Instagramu a facebookové stránce

My name is Jiří Bubeníček and I am a choreographer with a deep love for dance. For 10 years, I was a Principal Dancer with the Semperoper Ballet in Dresden and for 13 years, with the Hamburg Ballet in Germany. I’ve had the privilege of guest performing with numerous prestigious companies, such as the Paris Opera. Since retiring from the stage, I have focused my career on choreography, creating captivating full-length ballets for theatres and contemporary companies worldwide. Including the San Francisco Ballet, New York City Ballet, Tokyo City Ballet, and the Royal Swedish Ballet, among others. I am also currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Dance Teacher degree, which I am completing in my last semester at the university.

I have some exciting news and an amazing opportunity that I think you and your students would be interested in. I have recently created Ballet Masterclasses that will take place from July 4-14 in Český Krumlov. Český Krumlov is a small city in the south of the Czech Republic and is known for its well-preserved historic center, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city is famous for its beautiful architecture, winding cobblestone streets, and stunning Renaissance and Baroque buildings. The Vltava River runs through the city, and visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the river and the surrounding countryside from the city’s many bridges and viewpoints.

In addition to its beauty, Český Krumlov is also known for its vibrant cultural scene. The city hosts a number of festivals and events throughout the year, including the International Music Festival Krumlov, which is one of the largest and most prestigious music festivals in the Czech Republic. The festival features world-renowned musicians and dancers, as well as up-and-coming talent from around the world.

10 days before the ceremonial opening of the 32 edition of the International Music Festival Krumlov, I have created a program for young dancers and students. The masterclasses include daily ballet class, contemporary workshops, variations, pas de deux, and engaging lectures with acclaimed dance teachers, principal dancers, and artists from around the world.

But that’s not all! The best part is that your students will have the chance to participate in the ceremonial opening of the 32nd International Music Festival Krumlov, dancing on stage alongside ballet stars and music music virtuosos at a live show. I will work with the students during the masterclasses, creating a piece for them, which will be showcased on this extraordinary evening.

Additionally, they will receive a free guided tour of the historical city, affordable low-price lunches, affordable accommodation, and organised transportation from Prague to Český Krumlov. This means that your students can focus on learning and improving their skills while also having fun exploring a vibrant city with their peers.

Moreover, they will have the chance to attend seminars on „Career Self-Management,“ „Dance & Choreography,“ or „Mastering Ballet Job Applications: Tips & Strategies.“ These seminars will provide them with valuable information and advice that can help them navigate the dance world and prepare them for their future careers.

At the Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses, your students will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with our remarkable artists, who are not only skilled professionals but also passionate and kind-hearted individuals. Two of our instructors hold master’s degrees in dance pedagogy, ensuring that the students receive exceptional training and guidance to help them reach their full potential in the world of dance.

Please would you be so kind and share this information with your students, or any young dancers and if possible, please display it on your school board. I believe this is a great opportunity that your students won’t want to miss. It’s not only a masterclass, but they will have the chance to work with a choreographer as in a company, and perform on a world-class stage and have an unforgettable experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear about your students‘ amazing experience at the Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses soon.

For more details please visit our Facebook and Instagram pages or our new website:

Jiří Bubeníček
and Founder of
Bubeníček Ballet Masterclasses
Veronika Pechová
pro Taneční magazín